Thursday 15 March 2012

Why Ireland should be a top holiday destination

Ireland is maybe one of the most least talked about places when it comes to tourists attractions and I personally think its very underrated in terms of this. I have found plenty of luxury hotel accommodation in Ireland and finding Meath accommodation is probably one of the easiest things to do in Ireland. Ireland is probably known more for drinking ways of the locals and some of the best pubs and bars in the world. There is plenty of other things that Ireland has that I think any tourists would want to see.

The Cliffs of Moher
These cliffs were used in the olden days for watchmen to scan the ocean and look out for invading vikings. It gives one of the best views of the Atlantic ocean and is also one of Europes highest cliffs. It is so high that the boats and ships passing by looks like toys to the naked eye. There is also a girl that plays the Irish harp on the steps of this hill which gives you a chance to enjoy some Irish tradition.

Giants Causeway
Giants causeway is one of the most amazing sights in the world. This is a collection of polygonal basalt columns which was said to be started by Finn McCool to cross the ocean to attack Fingal in Scotland. The formation was clearly man made even though its a myth that McCool created it because if this was all natural it would probably be one of the most visited places in the world.

Skelling Islands
These islands remind me of Xbox games like Assasins Creed, where you travel to foreign lands where there is mist and mystical creatures flying around you. This is 2 islands that is surrounded by birds in the Atlantic Ocean. You would imagine that dark magicians live high in these islands but it was actually a monastic outpost in the olden Christian days. You can expect to see a big range of different bird species in this area and you will only be able to get to these islands by boat.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Work for South Africa

Before the hard day’s work, the lady in charge asked me if I would like to take a ride to the place where all the kids were at school at the moment, so of course I agreed and off we went. What I saw brought a tear to my eye. We pulled into a dusty space with nothing but to cargo containers next to each other. There was a door on the side and as we walked in I saw that this in fact was the class room for the kids. 55 students all smiling up at me as the brave and kind teachers look after and teach them and feed them while their parents work or look for work. I breaks my heart but also makes me feel that what I am doing is making a huge difference. What it has done has made it that I want to come back again and again and I would urge you to do the same.

Thursday 22 September 2011

What will you do with your time?

I spoke about this recently and it was clear that when we all travel it really is time that we will never get back. If you are like me then I am sure that you want all your time to be important. It is vital that you don’t waste time, because if you think about it in the grand scheme of things, airports and flight time is time you will never get back. You could play bingo games online, butonline bingo games may not be for everyone so you could read a book or a magazine, but still for me those may not be the best options.

I have in the past taken on myself to learn something. When I am flying domestic flights and it is for business I make sure I take all that time to brush up on a client or get ready for that business meeting making sure that I am prepared and that all that time did not go to waste.

Now you as what do you do when you go on long international flights. Now whether it be for leisure or for business there is always one option. You can sleep or play amazing online bingo (sorry I am a huge fan), but sleep is always a good option as it gets you rested and ready. I however do something different, apart from the occasional snooze if I am going for business I will again make sure I am well prepared. If you have all that time then you might as well take it as it comes. But I also do something different when I am going on holiday. Those long flights you may be flying to a foreign land that speaks a foreign language or has different culture and customs. So what I like to do is take a phrase book or a language track so that I can learn enough of the language to get by and have no problems. I also make sure I know what to expect what cultural differences there are and how I must behave. 10/10 times ensures I have a easier time and better time than my friends. You might think watching a movie on the plane sounds better than learning some of the local tongue, but I promise you, you will not regret it.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Google for that Trip

It is amazing to think that holidays can all be done using domain registration and uncapped business adsl to simply find where to travel and what to take, how much money to spend, what to expect and how you should plan. The World Wide Web is here to stay that is for sure and although at first I was very skeptical of how to use it have dived head first into this world. Well its clear otherwise I wouldn’t be writing like this. Google the giants they are have created order out of chaos and you might ask well what does this have to do with anything. Well I will tell you travelling has always been a mission to organize and plan on what is going to happen when you and your friends decide to leave. Google and the Internet has made it all that more easy.

Just by typing into Google you can get all the information, images and videos you need to make your decision on where you would like to travel. But what the two best things are that no more do you need to sit with a travel agent, you can have control of your own trip and have that freedom to just wing it. Click click and your accommodation is booked, your activities organized and your flights on standby. Talk about making the events flow beautifully and with the help of the internet.

But to me the thing that has made travelling all that more easy is that the use of Google Maps, if you had to take one thing from this post it would be that to use Google Maps before travelling is a must. Not only can you get a lay of the land but you can also map routes and save them and then simply print them out. It gives in depth directions as to where you need to go so who needs a Garmin.

Monday 29 August 2011

Waiting to Travel, Play Online Bingo

I have always been lucky that my job allows me to travel, and I am very grateful, because I get to see the world while I work and what person wouldn’t love that. The only negative to all this travelling is that the waiting for hours in an airport and the long flights can be very tiring and most of all very very boring. I have tried many things; sleeping, reading even working but everything just seems so boring. You can only watch so many movies before you find if you had to see another episode of everybody loves Ramond you might go out of your mind. It was about this time that a friend recommended to me that why I don’t play bingo games online.

At first I was skeptical because I had never played online bingo, let alone offline bingo, so I really didn’t have a mind for it. My friend however assured me that it was a simply game and that he would teach it to me in a matter of minutes. He was right; soon I was ready to go and had my first taste of online bingo. My first time that I would be putting it to the boredom test was on a flight to London where I had a business meeting to attend. That flight went by as though it was an hour long flight, because when I wasn’t sleeping I was playing bingo games online. There is no better feeling that shouting out after you have hit bingo…”BINGO” I would shout as I found my winnings increase. I have never been one for gambling, but I can say that this is very exciting and gets you going very easily.

I never realized how popular online bingo was until I joined in myself on a game so easy anyone can join. A minute to learn and a lifetime to master comes to mind as for the first few times I was not doing so great. But as the hours past by in that airport I felt myself improving. I would recommend this to anyone who is travelling a lot, because it really does make time fly by.

Monday 22 August 2011

Make your trip count

In the current world I was recently asked by my sister what she should do if she wanted to take a year abroad. Well I said to her, because she is young and doesn’t have any work experience behind her that she takes the opportunity to not only use it as a year abroad but that she tries to get some experience behind her. So I simply asked her what she is passionate about and I should have known that the answer would be Photography. Well that easy, simply take your love of photography abroad and those photos you take you can put them to experience.

What’s more is my recommendation would be there are plenty of online training courses that are available such as photoshop courses. These would put her in good stead that she could use this to edit photos and get that experience that will be sure to land her a job in the future.

So now when she travels to Europe on an adventure like the many that I have been on she can take amazing pictures and do the necessary editing that turns this adventure that is bound to be fun into work experience. I have recommended that she goes to places that are out of the way, not just the run of the mill Paris and Rome trip because to be honest there are a million pictures of these places. What you need to do is take that road less traveled and move more into Eastern Europe. On a recent trip to Croatia and Turkey I saw some absolute amazing sites and scenes. I took my own photos but I don’t have the talent that my sister has, and if she just takes those online course she will be able to be a professional in no time at all.

What I am getting at here is that if you are young and just coming out of School or University and want to take a year abroad, try and take my advice. Try and make it a adventure, but an adventure with experience. Take something like a scenic trip into a photography course. Write a blog on your trips so it gives you that online experience and more importantly that ability to write.

Monday 15 August 2011

I recently had to take a trip to Ireland and it was very short notice, so what I decided was to look up special hotel offers Ireland, which lead me to hotel bookings Meath, I can safely say that I found and great deal and all was very easy to book. On this trip I had to go to a wedding, but I also planned to get in a little recreation, as to be quite honest, this was one wedding I was not looking forward too.

What I planned to do was, take horse ride in the rolling hills of Ireland, famous for those beautiful hills of green. I think that would be great. I am also quite the fan of history so a trip to Trim Castle (where they shot scenes for Braveheart, probably the best film ever made). I don’t know why, but there is something about Castles that make me feel like I am walking through something that has seen an age of History. It is like I am throwing myself back in time, to a time where the brave ruled and the weak were protected by brave knights….ok ok I’m drifting.

I can also go and play golf at one of the variety of golf courses that are around the area, from the Knightsbrook Golf course to the Meath Golf Club. I am no Erie Else, but I am also no mooch. I have heard great things about these courses and it will be great to sneak in a game or two, before the Wedding. The Wedding is being held at the Hotel as well so at least I can have luxury while I have to wait for this thing. I am in the UK for business and pleasure I suppose and I sure do love Footie, so I will be taking a trip to watch a soccer game, Ireland doesn’t have the best sides, so we will be having to be getting on the tube and travelling to England the land of the football hooligan, I am excited.

The hotel is really great and I am glad I came, and that special was really hard to pass up. Who would have thought that I could fall in Love with a place called Meath, but let me just tell you it is breathe taking.